What is Neuropsychology?


Neuropsychology is the scientific study of brain-behavior relationships. The knowledge is used to evaluate and treat individuals with neurological problems impacting on development, learning, behavior, cognitive functioning, and social-emotional development.

What is a Neuropsychologist?



A neuropsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in evaluating and treating individuals who are thought to have a problem in the way their brains are functioning. A neuropsychologist has had education and training related to the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. A neuropsychologist also has had specific training in evaluating and treating different kinds of central nervous system disorders.

What is Neuropsychological Assessment?



A neuropsychological assessment may include evaluation of the following areas:

  • intellectual functioning

  • academic achievement (reading, writing, math)

  • ability to learn and remember

  • language functions

  • visual/spatial functions

  • attention/concentration/executive functions

  • sensorimotor functions

  • personality / social emotional development

  • adaptive behavior

  • interpersonal relationships

As part of the neuropsychological assessment a comprehensive history is taken which includes information regarding pregnancy, birth, health, development, education, and day-to-day functioning.

Why Refer for Neuropsychological Assessment?


An individual be referred for neuropsychological assessment for the following reasons:

  • problems with attention span and distractibility

  • problems with learning

  • problems with development

  • problems with behavior

An individual may also referred for assessment is he/she has the following conditions or problems:

  • Experienced a brain injury and there are concerns with behavior/learning/cognitive functioning.

  • There are concerns with memory and other cognitive functions.

  • Experienced a concussion and decisions need to be made with respect to work, school, and sports participation

  • Is undergoing a medical treatment which can affect behavior/learning/cognitive functioning (radiation, chemotherapy, anticonvulsant medication).

  • Been exposed to a toxic substance and there are concerns with behavior/learning/cognitive functioning.

  • Has had a stroke

  • Has a seizure disorder

  • Has metabolic problems

  • Has endocrine problems

  • Premature birth and/or in utero exposure to drugs/alcohol

 The functional purposes for the evaluation can be varied and include:

  • To describe the degree of impairment

  • To measure progress and development

  • To assist in the development and implementation of educational and therapeutic plans

  • To assist teachers and therapists with challenging behaviors

  • To assist parents/spouses/caregivers in understanding the individual more fully.

For detailed information on developmental, learning (psychoeducational) and pediatric neuropsychological assessments, please head over to our dedicated website for those services -
